Friday, October 15, 2010

The ABCs of Vintage: E is for Ephemera

Wikipedia defines ephemera as "transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved."  Luckily, there have always been those sentimental fools among us that hold onto those pieces that were never meant to be preserved.   With the popularity of scrapbooking, upcycling, decoupage, crafting and creating, ephemera "art" has found it's way into homes across the globe.  
What draws me to ephemera is not only the history, but the fact that it is so tangible.  In this ever-increasing digital world, it's comforting to have pieces of the past in your hands. I have collections of old photos, Victorian trading cards, vintage Valentines, old paper labels, antique maps, vintage bingo cards, and old dictionary pages (just to name few).

It seems like everyone from young children to adults have had their hand at "creating" using vintage and antique ephemera.  John Derian has made a very successful career using ephemera to decoupage pieces such as trays and paperweights. He has his own stores in NYC as well as a line for Target.

Here is a gorgeous handmade tray from his website,

Check out how these etsy sellers have used ephemera in their art.

I love this bangle made from vintage sheet music from YanniCreations:


Here are ephemera labels from Bluebirdlane:

Here is a great shadow box from sweetruin:

Who knows, that old concert ticket that you just can't throw away may someday be transformed into art!   Ephemera can be found at flea markets, garage sales, on etsy and ebay, or right in your own home.   Happy Hunting!