With the East Coast expecting one whallop of a snowstorm it got me thinking back to my childhood. There is nothing more exciting than a snowstorm when you are a child. First, there's the prospect of school being cancelled, a free day off. Then there are all the numerous opportunities to play. Suddenly, your boring backyard becomes a fresh new playground with the only limitation being your imagination and the temperature. There are snow angels to make, snow people to build, forts to construct, hills to sled down, and major snowball fights to be had. Just about the time you can no longer feel your fingers and toes and everyone is breathless from all the fun, it is time to go inside. The coats, hats, gloves, boots, and socks get peeled off one by one and the thaw begins. Next is perhaps my favorite part. Time to snuggle under blankets by the fire (or the tv) and sip fresh cups of hot cocoa with mini marshmallows. Here are some images from Country Living Magazine to keep you cozy on this cold, winter day. ENJOY!
Follow this link for a tasty hot cocoa recipe:
Victorian Chocolate Set on Etsy....
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