Sunday, January 31, 2010

MISSION: Organization!

Most people start posting blogs about organizing the first week in January.  I started late, but I promise you I will get organized.  I'm taking it slowly, giving myself the rest of the year to organize my ENTIRE home including the overstuffed garage.  This weekend, I am starting with the main floor of my house.
Mission #1: My desk area.  I've begun to accumulate too many pieces of paper like: receipts, cards, letters, newspapers ( yes, they still exist), get the idea.  I have a miriad of organizational tools including folders, filing cabinets, drawers, cubbies, notebooks, even a shredder, but I find I'm not using them the way I should.  So, today, I organized, labelled, tossed, filed, and shredded for 2 hours.  It's beginning to look as serene as a Martha Stewart magazine lay-out.  Note the word, beginning- please!   I would love to know if anyone actually functions in a completely organized world.  Is this a reasonable goal?  I'm giving a shot.

I promise not to give any advice on this topic.  I need advice.  Here are some pics that inspire me.... 

One from Martha...

A desk set from

A notebook with a constant reminder from

And, of course, one from my shop--the soon to be listed, Vintage Globe Desk Organizer from HydrangeaRow...

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