Sunday, January 24, 2010

Valentine, Be Mine

Many feel that Valentine's Day has become a commercialized industry, manufactured to cause anxiety in the hearts of all attached men and to make anyone single feel depressed one day a year.  In many ways they are right.   After all, the day after Christmas, the stores begin rolling out the red in preparation for this day of love.  It can be a bit much; but I do love Valentine's Day.  The old sentimental collector in me loves the history of this holiday, and, of course, my small, personal collection of Valentines.
The first posted Valentine was from a sailor to his wife in 1806 in England.  Since then, tokens of love (and rejection) abound.  There are elaborate Valentines that are miniature pieces of art.   There are cutesy Valentines meant for children and exchanged in classrooms.  The soldiers in the Civil War even had Valentines made available for them to send home to their wives and families.  Then, of course, there is the homemade Valentine.  The ones made of paper and glitter and glue.  I'm sure that somewhere in every household there is at least one of these still hanging around kept out of sentiment.  Admit it.
So this year, let's embrace Valentine's Day.  You don't need to buy anything fancy, simple tokens are often more heartfelt and appreciated. has their own version of a Valentine...

A page showcasing Valentines from 1953 scrapbook listed in my shop...

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