Sunday, December 13, 2009

What's in a Frame?

Great frames are always a good buy.  I found these two gold frames for less than $10 a piece.  They would probably set me back a couple of  hundred dollars at a frame shop.  Since I collect art and antique prints, I know I will eventually find the perfect piece for each of them. 

But frames can have many uses besides their intended one.  How about getting a piece of plywood cut to fit the frame (most home supply stores will cut it for free) and painting it with chalkboard paint like the one pictured below? This was an old mirror that the owners found on Craigslist and repurposed.  ( I found this one on DesignSponge.) 

Another use is attaching corkboard to make a bulletin board worthy of keeping out in the open.   This one is from Pottery Barn.

When you repurpose a frame you are not only helping the environment by recycling, but you are adding beauty and character to your home. 

I'll let you know what happens with the two frames I found in a future blog.

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