Monday, February 22, 2010

My Quest for the Perfect Handbag

I have had a thing for handbags since my first little purple Jordache bag in 4th grade.  I don't know why I find them so appealing.  Part of it could be the feeling that I can pack my life into a 12"x 15" x 6" space.  I always carry too much (part of the that is a hazzard of motherhood).  I have the standbys: wallet, keys, lipgloss, cell phone, a small calendar.  Then add the "mommy stuff": band-aids, Purrell, tissues, Epipen, inhaler.  But, you never know when you may need: extra cash in a smaller purse, 2 small moleskin notebooks, pens, emergency earrings (in case I forget to wear some), another lipstick, hand cream, a brace for my tennis elbow, gift cards, business cards, a checkbook, and a mini can of Lysol.  They're necessary, aren't they?

I know I carry too much.  I've accepted this about myself.  I haven't carried a tiny bag since that 4th grade Jordache bag. So in my quest to find the perfect bag, for starters it must be BIG.  It must be something with lots of pockets to handle my excess without creating a jumbled mess.  I'd like it to be fairly light-weight so I don't create back issues for myself. Oh, and it must look good--please nothing too practical!

Here's one from, and it's a  "Rachel Zoe pick".  Hey, if it's good enough for Rachel, it's good enough for me...

You have to love that all of these are handmade by etsy sellers.  I'd love to own any or all of them! 
From arebycdesign...

From artoncrafts...

From otgam...

And if I didn't have to renovate my 1950s bathroom, or put my children through college, I'd get this bag from the Michael by Michael Kors collection at Saks...

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